
Roche Diagnostics, a Model for Sustainable Design, Wins Regional ASHRAE Award

Roche Diagnostics, a 109,000-square-foot training facility under construction at the Roche campus in Indianapolis, has been awarded first place in the new commercial buildings category of the 2014 ASHRAE Region VI Technology Awards. The building serves as a model of how smart sustainable design can help a corporate campus slash energy consumption despite increasing in size.

Its design incorporates a comprehensive suite of sustainable features, including a high performance façade, operable exterior sunshades, north facing sawtooth monitors that maximize natural daylight, LED luminaries, and radiant heating and cooling coupled with underfloor air ventilation. Overall savings from the existing building are estimated to be in the region of 70 percent and some 50 percent below an ASHRAE 90.1-2007 baseline model.

The training facility represents the first phase of a two-phase building project that will triple the campus’ square footage. Energy modeling estimates predict that, when complete, the expanded campus will only consume 1.21% more total energy than the existing facilities.